The Most Efficient Way to Lose Weight

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The Most Efficient Way to Lose Weight

The Most Efficient Way To Lose Weight
The most commonly asked question…

“I want to lose x amount of weight in x amount of time. How can I do this?”

And these are the things we always advise ⬇️

???? Quit the Junk Food – Seems pretty obvious but you would be surprised. Many people think if they come to the gym 3 days a week they can still eat rubbish all weekend long and get away with it. I’m afraid to tell you that often isn’t the case!

???? Plan your Week – Staying organised and planning your sessions during the week will really help with motivation and holding yourself accountable. Plus, let someone else know and then they can hold you accountable too

????????‍♂️ Up your Neat – Taking your dog for a walk, getting off the bus 1 stop early and taking the stairs instead of the escalator are all ways you can up your non-exercise activity

????????‍♀️ Weight Training – Regular sessions will improve your strength and fitness but also your posture, sleep, bone density and help to maintain weight loss and boost metabolism

???? Get Plenty of Sleep – Sleep suppresses hunger and signals fullness in the brain. Sleep deprivation forces the body to make more ghrelin and less leptin, increasing your appetite

????????Be Consistent – The key to success! If you restrict yourself the chances are you will fall off the wagon and go back to your old ways. Find whatever works for you & stay consistent at it. Even if this means it takes longer to reach your goals, at least you will sustain them

Looking for more of a personalised response to your fitness questions? 

Want a chat with a qualified PT about your goals?

Looking to have access to PT led sessions at a fraction of the cost?

Looking to have someone hold you accountable to showing up and getting the results you tell us you want?

???????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????? 


Sign up for our January 6 Week Programme and get the rest of December FREE ❗️????
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