Weight vs Measure

Weight Loss

An interesting discussion that often circulates in the fitness world is the argument of how often you should be weighing when you’re trying to lose weight. If you are taking everything into consideration when it comes to weight loss, you should be considering diet as well as how you train. For example, here at DKnine we have two different types of sessions, strong and team- team is your more high intensity, fat burning and cardio session whereas strong is centred more around weights, toning muscle and improving muscular endurance. 

We encourage our members to go to both types of session, in this blog we will discuss why and the benefits of measures vs weigh ins.

Cardio and Weight Training

So as we just mentioned, it is beneficial during training to focus on both cardio and weight training. The cardio and high intensity sessions will be the ones that help you lose the weight but the weight training will be what helps you replace that fat with muscle and create a toned look. 

There’s lots of information out there about whether you should do both while you’re trying to lose weight, however lots of studies have shown that people who combine both lose more weight than people who do one or the other because cardio burns more calories during your workout but weight training helps you burn calories throughout the day even when you’re resting. 

Muscle Mass

Muscle weighs more than fat and takes up less space, a common occurrence of people who are training both weights and cardio is that they weigh the same or similar but their clothes are looser and they feel that they look slimmer. This is because the muscle in their body is taking up less space than the fat that was there previously, but also weighing more. Furthermore, because of this BMI isn’t always that accurate because it also doesn’t account for muscle muscle mass, some professional athletes have an unhealthy BMI but a healthy ratio of muscle mass to fat.

Weight vs Measure

When trying to lose weight, being too focused on what the scales show can be discouraging. At DKnine we use lots of different ways to monitor our members progress, and while weight is one of those we also monitor BMI, body fat percentage and some circumference measurements.  

Whether our members are trying to build muscle or lose weight one of the most important measures that we take is body fat percentage. Our scales provide us with lots of different types of information and one of them is body fat percentage, so when people finish their 6 week course unsure about the progress they’ve made, we weigh them with our scales and explain to them that they’ve actually lost fat and increased their muscle so their body fat percentage has gone down!

The other types of measurements we take are circumference around the chest, belly and hips, as it also shows that our clients are losing the inches and going down dress sizes rather than just losing the kg!

6 week body transformation course

Here at DKnine Fitness, we ONLY work with Busy Men & Women over the age of 30. The reason for this is simple, WE GET IT!

We get what it is like to have to come home after a stressful day at work and have to cook for the whole family. We get that most days, you struggle to find the energy to do the things YOU want to do.

We get that you have let yourself go because you are now further down the list of important people in your family.

So what we do is simple, we share with you a few very simple habits that can help you lose as much as 1.5 stone in 30 days and lead to that Life Long Transformation without having to go on any crazy diet or spend hours in the gym.

Our 6 Week Body Transformation Course, what is it? People come to us because they NEED more, more motivation, accountability and professional coaches who can get them results. We have 2 sessions types, Strong & Team.

🔥Team sessions are more Bootcamp, faster-paced and tend to be larger groups, these are based around fat burning, circuit style training and aiming to not only get you fit & healthy, but ensure your heart health too!

🔥Strong Sessions are weight based training, programmed each 4 weeks and you get more 1-1 time with the coaches during sessions. Not only are you looking to lose weight, but shape your body, tone up and feel mentally and physically stronger again. These are typically the sessions you wouldn’t do without a coach there as people don’t have the knowledge to programme a session/course to get results.

Our classes run all day, starting at 6AM and the last session running from 7:30PM- 8:15PM. You get unlimited sessions per week for the duration of the course. You book in and out via our booking app, which is flexible and sessions can be booked and cancelled just 20 minutes before each class.


  • Just found the varied sessions make it a really enjoyable experience. After lockdown, going back to the gym didn’t really appeal. After 6 weeks I have felt a lot fitter and stronger, Now I want more! -Duncan
  • Started DKnine at the beginning of January, having seen adverts online. I have never done anything in a gym before (I couldn’t even do a proper squat a few weeks ago!), suffer from anxiety at times and never ever thought I’d actually be able to go to a gym due to feeling awkward/not knowing what to do etc. Mike and Jon are so understanding and helpful and have almost literally held my hand through the entire process and helped me with everything, repeatedly! Everyone I’ve met has been friendly and Holly is such a lovely person and talked me through the whole process. If you’re unsure or self conscious or worried but have always wanted to join a gym, I definitely recommend coming here. Thanks again, guys. 🙂 -Laura

Welcome to DKnine Fitness

Helping Busy Over 30s, Transform Their Body, Health & Skyrocket Their Confidence In 6 Week

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